Commit 789c1445 authored by machengbo's avatar machengbo

no message

parent a3cbe80f
package com.jz.manage.admin.Enum;
public enum DelFlagEnum {
* 删除
YES("YES", "Y"),
* 未删除
NO("NO", "N"),
private String code;
private String value;
private DelFlagEnum(String code, String value) {
this.code = code;
this.value = value;
public String getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public static DelFlagEnum get(String code) {
if (code == null) {
return null;
for (DelFlagEnum status : values()) {
if (status.getCode().equalsIgnoreCase(code)) {
return status;
return null;
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.customer;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DepartmentService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 企业(Department)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:35
public class DepartmentController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DepartmentService departmentService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.customer;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.MallCustomerService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 商城用户(MallCustomer)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public class MallCustomerController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private MallCustomerService mallCustomerService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DefinitionApiService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 定义api(TDefinitionApi)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:33
public class DefinitionApiController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DefinitionApiService definitionApiService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DefinitionApiParamsService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* API参数表(TDefinitionApiParams)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public class DefinitionApiParamsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DefinitionApiParamsService definitionApiParamsService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FileDepositService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 文件存入表
* (TFileDeposit)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:35
public class FileDepositController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FileDepositService fileDepositService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FileHandleStatusService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 文件处理状态表
* (TFileHandleStatus)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:36
public class FileHandleStatusController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FileHandleStatusService fileHandleStatusService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FilePretreatmentStatusService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 文件预处理状态表
* (TFilePretreatmentStatus)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public class FilePretreatmentStatusController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FilePretreatmentStatusService filePretreatmentStatusService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.file;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FileSaveFieldInfoService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 文件存入字段信息表
* (TFileSaveFieldInfo)表控制层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public class FileSaveFieldInfoController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FileSaveFieldInfoService fileSaveFieldInfoService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FinanceCashOutService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 提现申请(TFinanceCashOut)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public class FinanceCashOutController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FinanceCashOutService tFinanceCashOutService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FinanceCustomerAssetsService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 商城企业客户资产(TFinanceCustomerAssets)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public class FinanceCustomerAssetsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FinanceCustomerAssetsService tFinanceCustomerAssetsService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FinanceCustomerBalanceService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 企业客户充值记录(TFinanceCustomerBalance)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public class FinanceCustomerBalanceController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FinanceCustomerBalanceService tFinanceCustomerBalanceService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.FinanceTradeFlowService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 企业客户交易流水(TFinanceTradeFlow)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public class FinanceTradeFlowController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private FinanceTradeFlowService tFinanceTradeFlowService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.PlatformAssetsService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 平台资产账户(TPlatformAssets)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:42
public class PlatformAssetsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private PlatformAssetsService tPlatformAssetsService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.PlatformPaymenyInfoService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 平台付款信息(TPlatformPaymenyInfo)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:43
public class PlatformPaymenyInfoController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private PlatformPaymenyInfoService tPlatformPaymenyInfoService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.PlatformTradeFlowInfoService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 平台交易流水(TPlatformTradeFlowInfo)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:44
public class PlatformTradeFlowInfoController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private PlatformTradeFlowInfoService tPlatformTradeFlowInfoService;
\ No newline at end of file
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.PlatfromReceiveInfoService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 平台收款信息(TPlatfromReceiveInfo)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:44
public class PlatfromReceiveInfoController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private PlatfromReceiveInfoService tPlatfromReceiveInfoService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DataGoodsApiService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* api商品(TDataGoodsApi)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public class DataGoodsApiController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DataGoodsApiService tDataGoodsApiService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DataGoodsApiParamsService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* api商品参数配置(TDataGoodsApiParams)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public class DataGoodsApiParamsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DataGoodsApiParamsService tDataGoodsApiParamsService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DataGoodsCategoryService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 数据商品分类(行业)(TDataGoodsCategory)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public class DataGoodsCategoryController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DataGoodsCategoryService tDataGoodsCategoryService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DataGoodsService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 数据商品(TDataGoods)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:30
public class DataGoodsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DataGoodsService tDataGoodsService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DataGoodsPackService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 数据包商品(TDataGoodsPack)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:33
public class DataGoodsPackController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DataGoodsPackService tDataGoodsPackService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.DemandService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 用户需求定制申请(TDemand)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public class DemandController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private DemandService tDemandService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.goods;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.MallHotRecommendGoodsService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 热门推荐商品(TMallHotRecommendGoods)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public class MallHotRecommendGoodsController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private MallHotRecommendGoodsService tMallHotRecommendGoodsService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.log;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.PlatformLogService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 日志管理(TPlatformLog)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:43
public class PlatformLogController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private PlatformLogService tPlatformLogService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.order;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.OrderService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 订单表(TOrder)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:41
public class OrderController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private OrderService tOrderService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.order;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.OrderGoodsInfoService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 订单商品信息(TOrderGoodsInfo)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:41
public class OrderGoodsInfoController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private OrderGoodsInfoService tOrderGoodsInfoService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.order;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.OrderPaymentService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 订单支付(TOrderPayment)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:42
public class OrderPaymentController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private OrderPaymentService tOrderPaymentService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.sys;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.AuditRecordService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
* 审核记录(TAuditRecord)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:30
public class AuditRecordController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private AuditRecordService auditRecordService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.controller.sys;
import com.jz.manage.admin.controller.BaseController;
import com.jz.manage.admin.service.SysCodeService;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
* 系统字典(TSysCode)表控制层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:45
public class SysCodeController extends BaseController {
* 服务对象
private SysCodeService tSysCodeService;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.AuditRecord;
* 审核记录(TAuditRecord)表数据库访问层
* @author AuditRecord
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:29
public interface AuditRecordDao extends BaseMapper<AuditRecord> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DataGoodsApi;
* api商品(TDataGoodsApi)表数据库访问层
* @author DataGoodsApi
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public interface DataGoodsApiDao extends BaseMapper<DataGoodsApi> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DataGoodsApiParams;
* api商品参数配置(TDataGoodsApiParams)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public interface DataGoodsApiParamsDao extends BaseMapper<DataGoodsApiParams> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DataGoodsCategory;
* 数据商品分类(行业)(TDataGoodsCategory)表数据库访问层
* @author DataGoodsCategory
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public interface DataGoodsCategoryDao extends BaseMapper<DataGoodsCategory> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DataGoods;
* 数据商品(TDataGoods)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:30
public interface DataGoodsDao extends BaseMapper<DataGoods> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DataGoodsPack;
* 数据包商品(DataGoodsPack)表数据库访问层
* @author DataGoodsPack
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public interface DataGoodsPackDao extends BaseMapper<DataGoodsPack> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DefinitionApi;
* 定义api(TDefinitionApi)表数据库访问层
* @author DefinitionApi
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:33
public interface DefinitionApiDao extends BaseMapper<DefinitionApi> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.DefinitionApiParams;
* API参数表(TDefinitionApiParams)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public interface DefinitionApiParamsDao extends BaseMapper<DefinitionApiParams> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.Demand;
* 用户需求定制申请(TDemand)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public interface DemandDao extends BaseMapper<Demand> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.Department;
* 企业(TDepartment)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:35
public interface DepartmentDao extends BaseMapper<Department> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FileDeposit;
* 文件存入表
* (TFileDeposit)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:35
public interface FileDepositDao extends BaseMapper<FileDeposit> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FileHandleStatus;
* 文件处理状态表
* (TFileHandleStatus)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:36
public interface FileHandleStatusDao extends BaseMapper<FileHandleStatus> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FilePretreatmentStatus;
* 文件预处理状态表
* (TFilePretreatmentStatus)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public interface FilePretreatmentStatusDao extends BaseMapper<FilePretreatmentStatus> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FileSaveFieldInfo;
* 文件存入字段信息表
* (TFileSaveFieldInfo)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public interface FileSaveFieldInfoDao extends BaseMapper<FileSaveFieldInfo> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FinanceCashOut;
* 提现申请(TFinanceCashOut)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public interface FinanceCashOutDao extends BaseMapper<FinanceCashOut> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FinanceCustomerAssets;
* 商城企业客户资产(TFinanceCustomerAssets)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public interface FinanceCustomerAssetsDao extends BaseMapper<FinanceCustomerAssets> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FinanceCustomerBalance;
* 企业客户充值记录(TFinanceCustomerBalance)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public interface FinanceCustomerBalanceDao extends BaseMapper<FinanceCustomerBalance> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.FinanceTradeFlow;
* 企业客户交易流水(TFinanceTradeFlow)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public interface FinanceTradeFlowDao extends BaseMapper<FinanceTradeFlow> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.MallCustomer;
* 商城用户(TMallCustomer)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public interface MallCustomerDao extends BaseMapper<MallCustomer> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.MallHotRecommendGoods;
* 热门推荐商品(TMallHotRecommendGoods)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public interface MallHotRecommendGoodsDao extends BaseMapper<MallHotRecommendGoods> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysRole;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.Order;
* 角色表(SysRole)表数据库访问层
* 订单表(TOrder)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:24
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public interface SysRoleDao extends BaseMapper<SysRole> {
public interface OrderDao extends BaseMapper<Order> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.OrderGoodsInfo;
* 订单商品信息(TOrderGoodsInfo)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:41
public interface OrderGoodsInfoDao extends BaseMapper<OrderGoodsInfo> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.OrderPayment;
* 订单支付(TOrderPayment)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:41
public interface OrderPaymentDao extends BaseMapper<OrderPayment> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.PlatformAssets;
* 平台资产账户(TPlatformAssets)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:42
public interface PlatformAssetsDao extends BaseMapper<PlatformAssets> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.PlatformLog;
* 日志管理(TPlatformLog)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:42
public interface PlatformLogDao extends BaseMapper<PlatformLog> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.PlatformPaymenyInfo;
* 平台付款信息(TPlatformPaymenyInfo)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:43
public interface PlatformPaymenyInfoDao extends BaseMapper<PlatformPaymenyInfo> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.PlatformTradeFlowInfo;
* 平台交易流水(TPlatformTradeFlowInfo)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:43
public interface PlatformTradeFlowInfoDao extends BaseMapper<PlatformTradeFlowInfo> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.PlatfromReceiveInfo;
* 平台收款信息(TPlatfromReceiveInfo)表数据库访问层
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:44
public interface PlatfromReceiveInfoDao extends BaseMapper<PlatfromReceiveInfo> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysOrg;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.SysCode;
* 组织机构表(SysOrg)表数据库访问层
* 系统字典(TSysCode)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:24
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:44
public interface SysOrgDao extends BaseMapper<SysOrg> {
public interface SysCodeDao extends BaseMapper<SysCode> {
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysMenu;
* 功能菜单(SysMenu)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:23
public interface SysMenuDao extends BaseMapper<SysMenu> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysRoleMenu;
* (SysRoleMenu)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:25
public interface SysRoleMenuDao extends BaseMapper<SysRoleMenu> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysUser;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* 平台系统用户表(SysUser)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:26
public interface SysUserDao extends BaseMapper<SysUser> {
List<Map> getUserRoleByAccount(@Param("account") String account);
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.dao;
import com.jz.common.base.BaseMapper;
import com.jz.manage.admin.entity.sys.SysUserRole;
* (SysUserRole)表数据库访问层
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-11-29 14:30:26
public interface SysUserRoleDao extends BaseMapper<SysUserRole> {
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 审核记录(TAuditRecord)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:29
public class AuditRecord implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 747782852655865930L;
* 主键
private Long auditRecord;
* 实例id
private String exampleId;
* 驳回原因
private String rejectReason;
* 审核类型:01企业审核,02数据审核,03需求审核
private String auditType;
* 创建人
private String creTime;
* 创建时间
private Date crePerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getAuditRecord() {
return auditRecord;
public void setAuditRecord(Long auditRecord) {
this.auditRecord = auditRecord;
public String getExampleId() {
return exampleId;
public void setExampleId(String exampleId) {
this.exampleId = exampleId;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
public String getAuditType() {
return auditType;
public void setAuditType(String auditType) {
this.auditType = auditType;
public String getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(String creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public Date getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(Date crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 数据商品(TDataGoods)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:30
public class DataGoods implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 938517475031285541L;
* 数据商品id
private Long dataGoodsId;
* 商品分类id(行业)
private Long categoryId;
* 数据商户id
private Long userId;
* 数据商品名称
private String dataName;
* 数据类型:01api,02数据包
private String dataType;
* 数据商品标签
private String dataLabel;
* 数据商品图片
private String dataPicture;
* 数据商品价格
private Double dataPrice;
* 优惠价格
private Double discountPrice;
* 价格类型:01免费,02收费
private String priceType;
* 商品规格
private String goodsStandards;
* 数据状态:01预售,02在售中,03下架,04上架
private String dataStatus;
* 审核状态:01待审核,02已审核,03未通过
private String auditStatus;
* 清洗规则(脱敏校验)
private String cleanRule;
* 驳回原因
private String rejectReason;
* 审核人
private String auditPerson;
* 审核时间
private Date auditTime;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
* 年(元)
private Double yearType;
* 季(元)
private Double seasonType;
* 月(元)
private Double monthType;
* 次(元)
private Double secondType;
public Long getDataGoodsId() {
return dataGoodsId;
public void setDataGoodsId(Long dataGoodsId) {
this.dataGoodsId = dataGoodsId;
public Long getCategoryId() {
return categoryId;
public void setCategoryId(Long categoryId) {
this.categoryId = categoryId;
public Long getUserId() {
return userId;
public void setUserId(Long userId) {
this.userId = userId;
public String getDataName() {
return dataName;
public void setDataName(String dataName) {
this.dataName = dataName;
public String getDataType() {
return dataType;
public void setDataType(String dataType) {
this.dataType = dataType;
public String getDataLabel() {
return dataLabel;
public void setDataLabel(String dataLabel) {
this.dataLabel = dataLabel;
public String getDataPicture() {
return dataPicture;
public void setDataPicture(String dataPicture) {
this.dataPicture = dataPicture;
public Double getDataPrice() {
return dataPrice;
public void setDataPrice(Double dataPrice) {
this.dataPrice = dataPrice;
public Double getDiscountPrice() {
return discountPrice;
public void setDiscountPrice(Double discountPrice) {
this.discountPrice = discountPrice;
public String getPriceType() {
return priceType;
public void setPriceType(String priceType) {
this.priceType = priceType;
public String getGoodsStandards() {
return goodsStandards;
public void setGoodsStandards(String goodsStandards) {
this.goodsStandards = goodsStandards;
public String getDataStatus() {
return dataStatus;
public void setDataStatus(String dataStatus) {
this.dataStatus = dataStatus;
public String getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
public void setAuditStatus(String auditStatus) {
this.auditStatus = auditStatus;
public String getCleanRule() {
return cleanRule;
public void setCleanRule(String cleanRule) {
this.cleanRule = cleanRule;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
public String getAuditPerson() {
return auditPerson;
public void setAuditPerson(String auditPerson) {
this.auditPerson = auditPerson;
public Date getAuditTime() {
return auditTime;
public void setAuditTime(Date auditTime) {
this.auditTime = auditTime;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
public Double getYearType() {
return yearType;
public void setYearType(Double yearType) {
this.yearType = yearType;
public Double getSeasonType() {
return seasonType;
public void setSeasonType(Double seasonType) {
this.seasonType = seasonType;
public Double getMonthType() {
return monthType;
public void setMonthType(Double monthType) {
this.monthType = monthType;
public Double getSecondType() {
return secondType;
public void setSecondType(Double secondType) {
this.secondType = secondType;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* api商品(DataGoodsApi)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public class DataGoodsApi implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -14346819849726413L;
* api商品id
private Long goodsApi;
* 数据id
private Long dataGoodsId;
* api服务名称
private String apiName;
* 请求类型(方式)
private String requestType;
* api接口地址
private String apiUrl;
* api接口方法
private String apiMethod;
* api请求协议:http,https
private String apiProtocl;
* api返回数据样例
private String returnDataExample;
* api请求样例
private String requestExample;
* 返回类型
private String returnType;
* apikey
private String apiKey;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getGoodsApi() {
return goodsApi;
public void setGoodsApi(Long goodsApi) {
this.goodsApi = goodsApi;
public Long getDataGoodsId() {
return dataGoodsId;
public void setDataGoodsId(Long dataGoodsId) {
this.dataGoodsId = dataGoodsId;
public String getApiName() {
return apiName;
public void setApiName(String apiName) {
this.apiName = apiName;
public String getRequestType() {
return requestType;
public void setRequestType(String requestType) {
this.requestType = requestType;
public String getApiUrl() {
return apiUrl;
public void setApiUrl(String apiUrl) {
this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
public String getApiMethod() {
return apiMethod;
public void setApiMethod(String apiMethod) {
this.apiMethod = apiMethod;
public String getApiProtocl() {
return apiProtocl;
public void setApiProtocl(String apiProtocl) {
this.apiProtocl = apiProtocl;
public String getReturnDataExample() {
return returnDataExample;
public void setReturnDataExample(String returnDataExample) {
this.returnDataExample = returnDataExample;
public String getRequestExample() {
return requestExample;
public void setRequestExample(String requestExample) {
this.requestExample = requestExample;
public String getReturnType() {
return returnType;
public void setReturnType(String returnType) {
this.returnType = returnType;
public String getApiKey() {
return apiKey;
public void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* api商品参数配置(TDataGoodsApiParams)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public class DataGoodsApiParams implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 944366688061324185L;
* api参数id
private Long apiParamsId;
* api商品id
private Long goodsApi;
* 参数分类:01公共参数,02请求参数,03响应参数,04请求头参数,05状态码参数
private String paramsDiff;
* 参数名称
private String paramsName;
* 参数类型
private String paramsType;
* 参数描述
private String paramsDesc;
* 默认值
private String defaultValue;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 是否必选:Y是,N否
private String ifRequird;
* 删除标识:Y是,N否
private String delFlag;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
public Long getApiParamsId() {
return apiParamsId;
public void setApiParamsId(Long apiParamsId) {
this.apiParamsId = apiParamsId;
public Long getGoodsApi() {
return goodsApi;
public void setGoodsApi(Long goodsApi) {
this.goodsApi = goodsApi;
public String getParamsDiff() {
return paramsDiff;
public void setParamsDiff(String paramsDiff) {
this.paramsDiff = paramsDiff;
public String getParamsName() {
return paramsName;
public void setParamsName(String paramsName) {
this.paramsName = paramsName;
public String getParamsType() {
return paramsType;
public void setParamsType(String paramsType) {
this.paramsType = paramsType;
public String getParamsDesc() {
return paramsDesc;
public void setParamsDesc(String paramsDesc) {
this.paramsDesc = paramsDesc;
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getIfRequird() {
return ifRequird;
public void setIfRequird(String ifRequird) {
this.ifRequird = ifRequird;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 数据商品分类(行业)(TDataGoodsCategory)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public class DataGoodsCategory implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -54881838919746328L;
* 商品分类id
private Long categoryId;
* 分类名称
private String categoryName;
* 父级分类id
private Long parentId;
* 是否为子节点:Y是,N否
private String ifChild;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
private String delFlag;
public Long getCategoryId() {
return categoryId;
public void setCategoryId(Long categoryId) {
this.categoryId = categoryId;
public String getCategoryName() {
return categoryName;
public void setCategoryName(String categoryName) {
this.categoryName = categoryName;
public Long getParentId() {
return parentId;
public void setParentId(Long parentId) {
this.parentId = parentId;
public String getIfChild() {
return ifChild;
public void setIfChild(String ifChild) {
this.ifChild = ifChild;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 数据包商品(TDataGoodsPack)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public class DataGoodsPack implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 974042077669049846L;
* 数据包id
private Long goodsPackId;
* 数据id
private Long dataGoodsId;
* 数据包名称
private String packName;
* 数据包存储路径
private String packUrl;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getGoodsPackId() {
return goodsPackId;
public void setGoodsPackId(Long goodsPackId) {
this.goodsPackId = goodsPackId;
public Long getDataGoodsId() {
return dataGoodsId;
public void setDataGoodsId(Long dataGoodsId) {
this.dataGoodsId = dataGoodsId;
public String getPackName() {
return packName;
public void setPackName(String packName) {
this.packName = packName;
public String getPackUrl() {
return packUrl;
public void setPackUrl(String packUrl) {
this.packUrl = packUrl;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 定义api(DefinitionApi)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:33
public class DefinitionApi implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 816553116583412022L;
* 定义api接口id
private Long definitionApiId;
* 应用名称
private String applyApiName;
* api_id
private String applyApiId;
* 接口描述
private String interfaceDesc;
* 版本号
private String versionNumber;
* 加密方式
private String encryMode;
* 传输方式
private String transMode;
* 正式地址
private String formalAddress;
* 超时时间
private Date overTime;
* 功能
private String apiFunction;
* 请求方式
private String requestType;
* 每单接口调用频率
private String oneCallFrequency;
* 整个接口的调用频率
private String allCallFrequency;
* 客户请求token
private String requestToken;
* 盐值
private String saltValue;
* 处理状态:01待处理,02ETL处理中,03ETL处理完成,04接口生成完成
private String handleStatus;
* 处理结果:成功/失败码
private String handleResult;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getDefinitionApiId() {
return definitionApiId;
public void setDefinitionApiId(Long definitionApiId) {
this.definitionApiId = definitionApiId;
public String getApplyApiName() {
return applyApiName;
public void setApplyApiName(String applyApiName) {
this.applyApiName = applyApiName;
public String getApplyApiId() {
return applyApiId;
public void setApplyApiId(String applyApiId) {
this.applyApiId = applyApiId;
public String getInterfaceDesc() {
return interfaceDesc;
public void setInterfaceDesc(String interfaceDesc) {
this.interfaceDesc = interfaceDesc;
public String getVersionNumber() {
return versionNumber;
public void setVersionNumber(String versionNumber) {
this.versionNumber = versionNumber;
public String getEncryMode() {
return encryMode;
public void setEncryMode(String encryMode) {
this.encryMode = encryMode;
public String getTransMode() {
return transMode;
public void setTransMode(String transMode) {
this.transMode = transMode;
public String getFormalAddress() {
return formalAddress;
public void setFormalAddress(String formalAddress) {
this.formalAddress = formalAddress;
public Date getOverTime() {
return overTime;
public void setOverTime(Date overTime) {
this.overTime = overTime;
public String getApiFunction() {
return apiFunction;
public void setApiFunction(String apiFunction) {
this.apiFunction = apiFunction;
public String getRequestType() {
return requestType;
public void setRequestType(String requestType) {
this.requestType = requestType;
public String getOneCallFrequency() {
return oneCallFrequency;
public void setOneCallFrequency(String oneCallFrequency) {
this.oneCallFrequency = oneCallFrequency;
public String getAllCallFrequency() {
return allCallFrequency;
public void setAllCallFrequency(String allCallFrequency) {
this.allCallFrequency = allCallFrequency;
public String getRequestToken() {
return requestToken;
public void setRequestToken(String requestToken) {
this.requestToken = requestToken;
public String getSaltValue() {
return saltValue;
public void setSaltValue(String saltValue) {
this.saltValue = saltValue;
public String getHandleStatus() {
return handleStatus;
public void setHandleStatus(String handleStatus) {
this.handleStatus = handleStatus;
public String getHandleResult() {
return handleResult;
public void setHandleResult(String handleResult) {
this.handleResult = handleResult;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* API参数表(DefinitionApiParams)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:33
public class DefinitionApiParams implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -53949033620241193L;
* api参数id
private Long apiParamsId;
* 定义api接口id
private Long definitionApiId;
* 参数名称
private String paramsName;
* 字段
private String fieldName;
* 类型
private String fieldType;
* 示例值
private String exampleValue;
* 默认值
private String defaultValue;
* 是否必选
private String ifChoose;
* 描述
private String fieldDesc;
* 参数类型
private String paramsType;
* 业务类型:01公共参数,02业务参数
private String serviceType;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getApiParamsId() {
return apiParamsId;
public void setApiParamsId(Long apiParamsId) {
this.apiParamsId = apiParamsId;
public Long getDefinitionApiId() {
return definitionApiId;
public void setDefinitionApiId(Long definitionApiId) {
this.definitionApiId = definitionApiId;
public String getParamsName() {
return paramsName;
public void setParamsName(String paramsName) {
this.paramsName = paramsName;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public String getFieldType() {
return fieldType;
public void setFieldType(String fieldType) {
this.fieldType = fieldType;
public String getExampleValue() {
return exampleValue;
public void setExampleValue(String exampleValue) {
this.exampleValue = exampleValue;
public String getDefaultValue() {
return defaultValue;
public void setDefaultValue(String defaultValue) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
public String getIfChoose() {
return ifChoose;
public void setIfChoose(String ifChoose) {
this.ifChoose = ifChoose;
public String getFieldDesc() {
return fieldDesc;
public void setFieldDesc(String fieldDesc) {
this.fieldDesc = fieldDesc;
public String getParamsType() {
return paramsType;
public void setParamsType(String paramsType) {
this.paramsType = paramsType;
public String getServiceType() {
return serviceType;
public void setServiceType(String serviceType) {
this.serviceType = serviceType;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 用户需求定制申请(Demand)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public class Demand implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 119352065467540895L;
* 需求id
private Long demandId;
* 用户id
private Long customerId;
* 商品分类id(行业)
private Long categoryId;
* 需求名称
private String demandName;
* 需求描述
private String demandDescribe;
* 数据类型:01api,02数据包
private Long dataType;
* 发布时间
private Date releaseTime;
* 审核状态:01待审核,02已审核,03未通过
private String auditStatus;
* 审核人
private String auditPerson;
* 审核时间
private Date auditTime;
* 驳回原因
private String rejectReason;
* 购买方式
private String purchaseMethod;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 展示状态:01展示,02不展示
private String ifShow;
* 删除标识:Y是,N否
private String delFlag;
public Long getDemandId() {
return demandId;
public void setDemandId(Long demandId) {
this.demandId = demandId;
public Long getCustomerId() {
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(Long customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public Long getCategoryId() {
return categoryId;
public void setCategoryId(Long categoryId) {
this.categoryId = categoryId;
public String getDemandName() {
return demandName;
public void setDemandName(String demandName) {
this.demandName = demandName;
public String getDemandDescribe() {
return demandDescribe;
public void setDemandDescribe(String demandDescribe) {
this.demandDescribe = demandDescribe;
public Long getDataType() {
return dataType;
public void setDataType(Long dataType) {
this.dataType = dataType;
public Date getReleaseTime() {
return releaseTime;
public void setReleaseTime(Date releaseTime) {
this.releaseTime = releaseTime;
public String getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
public void setAuditStatus(String auditStatus) {
this.auditStatus = auditStatus;
public String getAuditPerson() {
return auditPerson;
public void setAuditPerson(String auditPerson) {
this.auditPerson = auditPerson;
public Date getAuditTime() {
return auditTime;
public void setAuditTime(Date auditTime) {
this.auditTime = auditTime;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
public String getPurchaseMethod() {
return purchaseMethod;
public void setPurchaseMethod(String purchaseMethod) {
this.purchaseMethod = purchaseMethod;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getIfShow() {
return ifShow;
public void setIfShow(String ifShow) {
this.ifShow = ifShow;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 企业(TDepartment)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:34
public class Department implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -86955761674824098L;
* 企业id
private Long departmentId;
* 企业名称
private String departmentName;
* 法人代表
private String legalRepresentative;
* 省份
private String province;
* 城市
private String city;
* 行业
private String industry;
* 联系电话
private String telephone;
* 注册地址
private String registeredAddress;
* 区域编码
private Object zoneCode;
* 企业照片
private String departPicture;
* 营业执照
private String businessLicense;
* 税务登记
private String taxRegistration;
* 企业照片(代码)到期时间
private Date departPictureTime;
* 营业执照到期时间
private Date businessLicenseTime;
* 税务登记到期时间
private Date taxRegistrationTime;
* 统一社会信用代码
private String unifiedCreditCode;
* 开户行名称
private String bankName;
* 银行卡号
private String bankCardNumber;
* 开户行地址
private String bankAddress;
* 开户行号
private String bankNo;
* 审核状态:01待审核,02已审核,03未通过
private String auditStatus;
* 驳回原因
private String rejectReason;
* 审核人
private String auditPerson;
* 审核时间
private Date auditTime;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getDepartmentId() {
return departmentId;
public void setDepartmentId(Long departmentId) {
this.departmentId = departmentId;
public String getDepartmentName() {
return departmentName;
public void setDepartmentName(String departmentName) {
this.departmentName = departmentName;
public String getLegalRepresentative() {
return legalRepresentative;
public void setLegalRepresentative(String legalRepresentative) {
this.legalRepresentative = legalRepresentative;
public String getProvince() {
return province;
public void setProvince(String province) {
this.province = province;
public String getCity() {
return city;
public void setCity(String city) { = city;
public String getIndustry() {
return industry;
public void setIndustry(String industry) {
this.industry = industry;
public String getTelephone() {
return telephone;
public void setTelephone(String telephone) {
this.telephone = telephone;
public String getRegisteredAddress() {
return registeredAddress;
public void setRegisteredAddress(String registeredAddress) {
this.registeredAddress = registeredAddress;
public Object getZoneCode() {
return zoneCode;
public void setZoneCode(Object zoneCode) {
this.zoneCode = zoneCode;
public String getDepartPicture() {
return departPicture;
public void setDepartPicture(String departPicture) {
this.departPicture = departPicture;
public String getBusinessLicense() {
return businessLicense;
public void setBusinessLicense(String businessLicense) {
this.businessLicense = businessLicense;
public String getTaxRegistration() {
return taxRegistration;
public void setTaxRegistration(String taxRegistration) {
this.taxRegistration = taxRegistration;
public Date getDepartPictureTime() {
return departPictureTime;
public void setDepartPictureTime(Date departPictureTime) {
this.departPictureTime = departPictureTime;
public Date getBusinessLicenseTime() {
return businessLicenseTime;
public void setBusinessLicenseTime(Date businessLicenseTime) {
this.businessLicenseTime = businessLicenseTime;
public Date getTaxRegistrationTime() {
return taxRegistrationTime;
public void setTaxRegistrationTime(Date taxRegistrationTime) {
this.taxRegistrationTime = taxRegistrationTime;
public String getUnifiedCreditCode() {
return unifiedCreditCode;
public void setUnifiedCreditCode(String unifiedCreditCode) {
this.unifiedCreditCode = unifiedCreditCode;
public String getBankName() {
return bankName;
public void setBankName(String bankName) {
this.bankName = bankName;
public String getBankCardNumber() {
return bankCardNumber;
public void setBankCardNumber(String bankCardNumber) {
this.bankCardNumber = bankCardNumber;
public String getBankAddress() {
return bankAddress;
public void setBankAddress(String bankAddress) {
this.bankAddress = bankAddress;
public String getBankNo() {
return bankNo;
public void setBankNo(String bankNo) {
this.bankNo = bankNo;
public String getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
public void setAuditStatus(String auditStatus) {
this.auditStatus = auditStatus;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
public String getAuditPerson() {
return auditPerson;
public void setAuditPerson(String auditPerson) {
this.auditPerson = auditPerson;
public Date getAuditTime() {
return auditTime;
public void setAuditTime(Date auditTime) {
this.auditTime = auditTime;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 文件存入表
* (TFileDeposit)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:35
public class FileDeposit implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -50582525275475551L;
* 文件存入id
private Long fileDepositId;
* 文件名称
private String fileName;
* 文件地址
private String fileAddress;
* 文件格式
private String fileFormat;
* 文件上传用户id
private String uploadUserId;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
public Long getFileDepositId() {
return fileDepositId;
public void setFileDepositId(Long fileDepositId) {
this.fileDepositId = fileDepositId;
public String getFileName() {
return fileName;
public void setFileName(String fileName) {
this.fileName = fileName;
public String getFileAddress() {
return fileAddress;
public void setFileAddress(String fileAddress) {
this.fileAddress = fileAddress;
public String getFileFormat() {
return fileFormat;
public void setFileFormat(String fileFormat) {
this.fileFormat = fileFormat;
public String getUploadUserId() {
return uploadUserId;
public void setUploadUserId(String uploadUserId) {
this.uploadUserId = uploadUserId;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 文件处理状态表
* (TFileHandleStatus)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:36
public class FileHandleStatus implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 846889670741643770L;
* 文件处理状态id
private Long handleStatusId;
* 文件存入id
private Long fileDeposit;
* 存入状态:01待处理,02处理中,03处理完成
private String depositStatus;
* 存入状态结果码:成功、错误码
private String depositStatusResult;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getHandleStatusId() {
return handleStatusId;
public void setHandleStatusId(Long handleStatusId) {
this.handleStatusId = handleStatusId;
public Long getFileDeposit() {
return fileDeposit;
public void setFileDeposit(Long fileDeposit) {
this.fileDeposit = fileDeposit;
public String getDepositStatus() {
return depositStatus;
public void setDepositStatus(String depositStatus) {
this.depositStatus = depositStatus;
public String getDepositStatusResult() {
return depositStatusResult;
public void setDepositStatusResult(String depositStatusResult) {
this.depositStatusResult = depositStatusResult;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 文件预处理状态表
* (TFilePretreatmentStatus)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public class FilePretreatmentStatus implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 990221007099254779L;
* 文件预处理状态id
private Long pretreatmentStatusId;
* 文件存入id
private Long fileDeposit;
* 文件预处理状态:01上传,02预处理中,03预处理完成
private String pretreatmentStatus;
* 预处理结果状态码:成功、错误码
private String pretreatmentStatusResult;
* 探查json
private String exploreJson;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getPretreatmentStatusId() {
return pretreatmentStatusId;
public void setPretreatmentStatusId(Long pretreatmentStatusId) {
this.pretreatmentStatusId = pretreatmentStatusId;
public Long getFileDeposit() {
return fileDeposit;
public void setFileDeposit(Long fileDeposit) {
this.fileDeposit = fileDeposit;
public String getPretreatmentStatus() {
return pretreatmentStatus;
public void setPretreatmentStatus(String pretreatmentStatus) {
this.pretreatmentStatus = pretreatmentStatus;
public String getPretreatmentStatusResult() {
return pretreatmentStatusResult;
public void setPretreatmentStatusResult(String pretreatmentStatusResult) {
this.pretreatmentStatusResult = pretreatmentStatusResult;
public String getExploreJson() {
return exploreJson;
public void setExploreJson(String exploreJson) {
this.exploreJson = exploreJson;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 文件存入字段信息表
* (TFileSaveFieldInfo)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public class FileSaveFieldInfo implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -34603271687376756L;
* 文件存入字段信息id
private Long saveInfoId;
* 文件存入id
private Long fileDeposit;
* 字段名称
private String fieldName;
* 字段类型
private String fieldType;
* 修改字段名称
private String modifyFieldName;
* 修改字段类型
private String modifyFieldType;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 是否主键:Y是,N否
private String ifPrimary;
* 清洗规则
private String cleanRule;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getSaveInfoId() {
return saveInfoId;
public void setSaveInfoId(Long saveInfoId) {
this.saveInfoId = saveInfoId;
public Long getFileDeposit() {
return fileDeposit;
public void setFileDeposit(Long fileDeposit) {
this.fileDeposit = fileDeposit;
public String getFieldName() {
return fieldName;
public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {
this.fieldName = fieldName;
public String getFieldType() {
return fieldType;
public void setFieldType(String fieldType) {
this.fieldType = fieldType;
public String getModifyFieldName() {
return modifyFieldName;
public void setModifyFieldName(String modifyFieldName) {
this.modifyFieldName = modifyFieldName;
public String getModifyFieldType() {
return modifyFieldType;
public void setModifyFieldType(String modifyFieldType) {
this.modifyFieldType = modifyFieldType;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getIfPrimary() {
return ifPrimary;
public void setIfPrimary(String ifPrimary) {
this.ifPrimary = ifPrimary;
public String getCleanRule() {
return cleanRule;
public void setCleanRule(String cleanRule) {
this.cleanRule = cleanRule;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 提现申请(TFinanceCashOut)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:37
public class FinanceCashOut implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 584623943576096734L;
* 提现id
private Long cashOutId;
* 资产id
private Long assetsId;
* 提现金额
private Double cashOutMoney;
* 提现时间
private Date cashOutTime;
* 审核时间
private Date auditTime;
* 审核人
private String auditPerson;
* 驳回原因
private String rejectReason;
* 付款时间
private Date payTime;
* 付款人
private String payPerson;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 审核状态:01待审核,02审核通过,03未通过
private String auditStatus;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getCashOutId() {
return cashOutId;
public void setCashOutId(Long cashOutId) {
this.cashOutId = cashOutId;
public Long getAssetsId() {
return assetsId;
public void setAssetsId(Long assetsId) {
this.assetsId = assetsId;
public Double getCashOutMoney() {
return cashOutMoney;
public void setCashOutMoney(Double cashOutMoney) {
this.cashOutMoney = cashOutMoney;
public Date getCashOutTime() {
return cashOutTime;
public void setCashOutTime(Date cashOutTime) {
this.cashOutTime = cashOutTime;
public Date getAuditTime() {
return auditTime;
public void setAuditTime(Date auditTime) {
this.auditTime = auditTime;
public String getAuditPerson() {
return auditPerson;
public void setAuditPerson(String auditPerson) {
this.auditPerson = auditPerson;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
public Date getPayTime() {
return payTime;
public void setPayTime(Date payTime) {
this.payTime = payTime;
public String getPayPerson() {
return payPerson;
public void setPayPerson(String payPerson) {
this.payPerson = payPerson;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public String getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
public void setAuditStatus(String auditStatus) {
this.auditStatus = auditStatus;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 商城企业客户资产(TFinanceCustomerAssets)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public class FinanceCustomerAssets implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -86484762300825431L;
* 资产id
private Long assetsId;
* 企业id
private Long departmentId;
* 可用金额
private Double useMoney;
* 冻结金额
private Double frozenMoney;
* 总金额
private Double totalMoney;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getAssetsId() {
return assetsId;
public void setAssetsId(Long assetsId) {
this.assetsId = assetsId;
public Long getDepartmentId() {
return departmentId;
public void setDepartmentId(Long departmentId) {
this.departmentId = departmentId;
public Double getUseMoney() {
return useMoney;
public void setUseMoney(Double useMoney) {
this.useMoney = useMoney;
public Double getFrozenMoney() {
return frozenMoney;
public void setFrozenMoney(Double frozenMoney) {
this.frozenMoney = frozenMoney;
public Double getTotalMoney() {
return totalMoney;
public void setTotalMoney(Double totalMoney) {
this.totalMoney = totalMoney;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 企业客户充值记录(TFinanceCustomerBalance)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:38
public class FinanceCustomerBalance implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -13102196689933511L;
* 充值id
private Long customerBalanceId;
* 企业客户资产id
private Long assetsId;
* 充值金额
private Double balanceMoney;
* 备注
private String remark;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
* 审核状态:01待审核,02审核通过,03未通过
private String auditStatus;
* 审核意见
private String rejectReason;
public Long getCustomerBalanceId() {
return customerBalanceId;
public void setCustomerBalanceId(Long customerBalanceId) {
this.customerBalanceId = customerBalanceId;
public Long getAssetsId() {
return assetsId;
public void setAssetsId(Long assetsId) {
this.assetsId = assetsId;
public Double getBalanceMoney() {
return balanceMoney;
public void setBalanceMoney(Double balanceMoney) {
this.balanceMoney = balanceMoney;
public String getRemark() {
return remark;
public void setRemark(String remark) {
this.remark = remark;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
public String getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
public void setAuditStatus(String auditStatus) {
this.auditStatus = auditStatus;
public String getRejectReason() {
return rejectReason;
public void setRejectReason(String rejectReason) {
this.rejectReason = rejectReason;
\ No newline at end of file
package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 企业客户交易流水(TFinanceTradeFlow)实体类
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public class FinanceTradeFlow implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -55257582310832314L;
* 交易流水id
private Long tradeFlowId;
* 订单id
private Long orderId;
* 提现id
private Long cashOutId;
* 充值id
private Long customerBalanceId;
* 交易流水编号
private String tradeFlowNumber;
* 交易流水金额
private Double tradeMoney;
* 交易类型:01提现,02充值,03付款,04收款,05续费
private String tradeType;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getTradeFlowId() {
return tradeFlowId;
public void setTradeFlowId(Long tradeFlowId) {
this.tradeFlowId = tradeFlowId;
public Long getOrderId() {
return orderId;
public void setOrderId(Long orderId) {
this.orderId = orderId;
public Long getCashOutId() {
return cashOutId;
public void setCashOutId(Long cashOutId) {
this.cashOutId = cashOutId;
public Long getCustomerBalanceId() {
return customerBalanceId;
public void setCustomerBalanceId(Long customerBalanceId) {
this.customerBalanceId = customerBalanceId;
public String getTradeFlowNumber() {
return tradeFlowNumber;
public void setTradeFlowNumber(String tradeFlowNumber) {
this.tradeFlowNumber = tradeFlowNumber;
public Double getTradeMoney() {
return tradeMoney;
public void setTradeMoney(Double tradeMoney) {
this.tradeMoney = tradeMoney;
public String getTradeType() {
return tradeType;
public void setTradeType(String tradeType) {
this.tradeType = tradeType;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
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package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 商城用户(TMallCustomer)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:39
public class MallCustomer implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 844124479008859411L;
* 用户id
private Long customerId;
* 企业id
private Long departmentId;
* 密码
private String password;
* 账户
private String customerAccount;
* 用户真实姓名
private String customerName;
* 联系电话
private String customerPhone;
* 邮箱
private String customerEmail;
* 地址
private String customerAddress;
* 用户积分
private Long customerPoint;
* 注册时间
private Date registerTime;
* 会员等级
private String customerLevel;
* 证件号
private String identityCard;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 删除标识:Y是,N否
private String delFlag;
public Long getCustomerId() {
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(Long customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public Long getDepartmentId() {
return departmentId;
public void setDepartmentId(Long departmentId) {
this.departmentId = departmentId;
public String getPassword() {
return password;
public void setPassword(String password) {
this.password = password;
public String getCustomerAccount() {
return customerAccount;
public void setCustomerAccount(String customerAccount) {
this.customerAccount = customerAccount;
public String getCustomerName() {
return customerName;
public void setCustomerName(String customerName) {
this.customerName = customerName;
public String getCustomerPhone() {
return customerPhone;
public void setCustomerPhone(String customerPhone) {
this.customerPhone = customerPhone;
public String getCustomerEmail() {
return customerEmail;
public void setCustomerEmail(String customerEmail) {
this.customerEmail = customerEmail;
public String getCustomerAddress() {
return customerAddress;
public void setCustomerAddress(String customerAddress) {
this.customerAddress = customerAddress;
public Long getCustomerPoint() {
return customerPoint;
public void setCustomerPoint(Long customerPoint) {
this.customerPoint = customerPoint;
public Date getRegisterTime() {
return registerTime;
public void setRegisterTime(Date registerTime) {
this.registerTime = registerTime;
public String getCustomerLevel() {
return customerLevel;
public void setCustomerLevel(String customerLevel) {
this.customerLevel = customerLevel;
public String getIdentityCard() {
return identityCard;
public void setIdentityCard(String identityCard) {
this.identityCard = identityCard;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
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package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 热门推荐商品(TMallHotRecommendGoods)实体类
* @author Bellamy
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public class MallHotRecommendGoods implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -35734333969077853L;
* 热门推荐商品id
private Long hotRecommendGoods;
* 数据id
private Long dataGoodsId;
* 用户id
private Long customerId;
* 删除标识:Y是,N否
private String delFlag;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
public Long getHotRecommendGoods() {
return hotRecommendGoods;
public void setHotRecommendGoods(Long hotRecommendGoods) {
this.hotRecommendGoods = hotRecommendGoods;
public Long getDataGoodsId() {
return dataGoodsId;
public void setDataGoodsId(Long dataGoodsId) {
this.dataGoodsId = dataGoodsId;
public Long getCustomerId() {
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(Long customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
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package com.jz.manage.admin.entity;
import java.util.Date;
* 订单表(TOrder)实体类
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:40
public class Order implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 651546246975691600L;
* 订单id
private Long orderId;
* 订单编号
private String orderNumber;
* 用户id
private Long customerId;
* 订单状态:01待支付,02已支付,03已取消
private String orderStatus;
* 订单金额
private Double orderMoney;
* 订单时间
private Date orderTime;
* 卖家id
private Long sellerId;
* 支付金额
private Double paymentMoney;
* 支付时间
private Date paymentTime;
* 支付方式:01余额
private String paymentMethod;
* 优惠金额
private Double districtMoney;
* 购买方式:01年,02季,03月,04次(服务类型)
private String purchaseMethod;
* 商品token
private String goodsToken;
* 盐值
private String saltValue;
* apikey
private String apiKey;
* 生效日期
private Date takeEffectTime;
* 失效日期
private Date invalidTime;
* 价格类型:01免费,02收费
private String priceType;
* 创建人
private String crePerson;
* 创建时间
private Date creTime;
* 更新时间
private Date uptTime;
* 更新人
private String uptPerson;
* 删除标识
private String delFlag;
public Long getOrderId() {
return orderId;
public void setOrderId(Long orderId) {
this.orderId = orderId;
public String getOrderNumber() {
return orderNumber;
public void setOrderNumber(String orderNumber) {
this.orderNumber = orderNumber;
public Long getCustomerId() {
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(Long customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public String getOrderStatus() {
return orderStatus;
public void setOrderStatus(String orderStatus) {
this.orderStatus = orderStatus;
public Double getOrderMoney() {
return orderMoney;
public void setOrderMoney(Double orderMoney) {
this.orderMoney = orderMoney;
public Date getOrderTime() {
return orderTime;
public void setOrderTime(Date orderTime) {
this.orderTime = orderTime;
public Long getSellerId() {
return sellerId;
public void setSellerId(Long sellerId) {
this.sellerId = sellerId;
public Double getPaymentMoney() {
return paymentMoney;
public void setPaymentMoney(Double paymentMoney) {
this.paymentMoney = paymentMoney;
public Date getPaymentTime() {
return paymentTime;
public void setPaymentTime(Date paymentTime) {
this.paymentTime = paymentTime;
public String getPaymentMethod() {
return paymentMethod;
public void setPaymentMethod(String paymentMethod) {
this.paymentMethod = paymentMethod;
public Double getDistrictMoney() {
return districtMoney;
public void setDistrictMoney(Double districtMoney) {
this.districtMoney = districtMoney;
public String getPurchaseMethod() {
return purchaseMethod;
public void setPurchaseMethod(String purchaseMethod) {
this.purchaseMethod = purchaseMethod;
public String getGoodsToken() {
return goodsToken;
public void setGoodsToken(String goodsToken) {
this.goodsToken = goodsToken;
public String getSaltValue() {
return saltValue;
public void setSaltValue(String saltValue) {
this.saltValue = saltValue;
public String getApiKey() {
return apiKey;
public void setApiKey(String apiKey) {
this.apiKey = apiKey;
public Date getTakeEffectTime() {
return takeEffectTime;
public void setTakeEffectTime(Date takeEffectTime) {
this.takeEffectTime = takeEffectTime;
public Date getInvalidTime() {
return invalidTime;
public void setInvalidTime(Date invalidTime) {
this.invalidTime = invalidTime;
public String getPriceType() {
return priceType;
public void setPriceType(String priceType) {
this.priceType = priceType;
public String getCrePerson() {
return crePerson;
public void setCrePerson(String crePerson) {
this.crePerson = crePerson;
public Date getCreTime() {
return creTime;
public void setCreTime(Date creTime) {
this.creTime = creTime;
public Date getUptTime() {
return uptTime;
public void setUptTime(Date uptTime) {
this.uptTime = uptTime;
public String getUptPerson() {
return uptPerson;
public void setUptPerson(String uptPerson) {
this.uptPerson = uptPerson;
public String getDelFlag() {
return delFlag;
public void setDelFlag(String delFlag) {
this.delFlag = delFlag;
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package com.jz.manage.admin.service;
* 审核记录(TAuditRecord)表服务接口
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:30
public interface AuditRecordService {
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package com.jz.manage.admin.service;
* api商品参数配置(TDataGoodsApiParams)表服务接口
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public interface DataGoodsApiParamsService {
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package com.jz.manage.admin.service;
* api商品(TDataGoodsApi)表服务接口
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:31
public interface DataGoodsApiService {
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package com.jz.manage.admin.service;
* 数据商品分类(行业)(TDataGoodsCategory)表服务接口
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public interface DataGoodsCategoryService {
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package com.jz.manage.admin.service;
* 数据包商品(TDataGoodsPack)表服务接口
* @author makejava
* @since 2020-12-01 10:41:32
public interface DataGoodsPackService {
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